CRT SCR$ Project - The Book Edition

$14.64 CAD

CRT SCR$ Project - The Book Edition is a photo-book based on the CRT SCR$ Project photo collection. The book serves as an overview of the CRT era, showcasing hundreds of photos of live CRT displays connected to original computer and console hardware. 

The book contains:

-more than 460 pages featuring hundreds of high-resolution photos of live CRT screens (with or without TV bezels, close-ups, darkroom shots, and miscellaneous photos)
-10 CRT TVs and monitors
-over 25 consoles and microcomputers
-hundreds of games ranging from well known hits to obscure underdogs
-comparison sections showcasing differences between different inputs and CRT tech (e.g. RF vs composite vs S-Video vs RGB, or slot mask vs aperture grille)
-PDF bookmarks for every page
-tags for easy searching 

Please note that the photos in the book are of much higher quality than the previews available on this website, due to web compression. The photos in the book have been compressed a bit more than the originals, but most are still very highly zoomable, often allowing zooming in to the phosphor-level.

The CRT SCR$ Project is a work in progress, and will be updated in the near future. All the subsequent future editions of the book will be available for free to those who purchased it previously (you should get an automatic notice about new downloads).